Tutorial: Adding NFTs Within Your Berify Dashboard
Embrace the world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on Berify, where you can seamlessly connect digital assets to your physical goods through the NFT tab. NFTs have revolutionized the way we perceive and engage with digital ownership. By providing a digital asset linked to your product, you unlock a realm of possibilities for your customers. Once acquired, users can store this asset in their digital wallet, giving them the freedom to keep it as a collectible, sell it for profit, or trade it in the vibrant marketplace.
Adding NFT details on the Berify dashboard is a straightforward process that enhances the value of your physical goods. Start by unveiling the uniqueness of your digital asset by giving it a captivating name that resonates with your audience. Craft a compelling description that highlights the essence and significance of the NFT, adding a layer of storytelling to your product. Next, upload the NFT asset or artwork, which will be seamlessly linked to the distinctive tag or token ID on the blockchain, ensuring its authenticity and exclusivity.
Step-by-Step Guide:
Step 1:
Navigate to your dashboard inventory and Click "Customize" on the batch you want to add and NFT to.
Step 2:
Click on "Edit Global Experience"
Step 3:
Click on "NFT Details"
Step 4:
Enter a Name and Description for your NFT.
Step 5:
Click here to upload your NFT asset or artwork.
Step 6:
Click this icon if you'd like to add further attributes to your NFT which will appear on OpenSea
Step 7:
Click on add attributes to add any attributes to your NFT
Step 8:
Put in the value of the NFT
Step 9:
Click on "OpenSea" on the right side preview to see how these attributes will be displayed.
Step 10:
Click on "Submit"
Step 11:
Click on "Submit." Note: Once NFT information is submitted, this cannot be changed or removed.
Step 12:
Click on "Got it!"
Step 13:
Always remember to click "Publish" after adding or editing any parts of your custom experience. You will receive an email notification (typically within 24 hours) to let you know that your NFT submission has been approved and NFTs on these tags are ready to be minted by your users. If you need to request your NFTs to be minted on a specific chain, please contact us at [email protected].
Additional features available:
For other features noted on the left side menu, like Collections, and to connect your Instagram, Linktree and Shopify accounts, please see other documents and instructions by searching those keywords.