Step-by-Step Guide
1. Navigate to the Berify Dashboard
Log in to your Berify Account and access the dashboard.
2. Navigate to the batch for which you wish to add Rewards to.
Click on "Customize," then Edit Global Experience, and then click "Rules" on the experience menu.
3. Click on "Create a new rule"
This will add an action the user needs to complete in order to earn points.
4. Click "Create" for the action you want to create a rule for
There are a few actions you can create rules for earning rewards points, like simply scanning the tag, redeeming a Golden Ticket and redeeming NFT.
5. Enter a "nickname" for this rule so that you can easily identify it in your Rules library later.
For Example: Scanning a black Tshirt might earn a different set of rewards than scanning a hat, however they are still "Scan" rules, so you'll want to differentiate these
6. Enter the amount of Berify Rewards that will be issued when the user completes this action.
7. Enter an approval period.
Meaning: User completes the action, however the points are not issued into their account until the approval period is met. (For example: 1 day after completing the action, the user will see the rewards issued into their profile)
8. Toggle the "Set Limit" feature on in order to set limitations for rewards that are issued on a tag within this batch.
Set a daily, weekly or monthly limit for how many times a user can complete this action and earn points (Example: A user can only scan once per day to earn rewards)
9. Set a max limit for rewards to be earned over the lifetime of this tag.
Example: One TShirt can only earn rewards points a total of 100 times and then will no longer be able to issue rewards. These parameters are optional
10. Click on "Create and Assign"
You will now see that this rule is assigned to your batch, so when users scan this product, they will be able to see what actions they can complete to earn points. (Note: Users need to be logged in to a profile on their app in order to earn rewards points)
11. Click "Create New Rule" to continue adding other Reward actions to this batch.
12. Always remember to click "Publish" at the top right for your changes to appear when the user scans a tag within this batch.
Changes are published instantly to all active tags within the batch.
13. Click "Rewards" on the left Main Menu to view your Rewards library where you can edit Rules you have created and assign them to other batches in your inventory.
14. To create discount codes for Shopify store to be able to redeem a user's Rewards Points towards a purchase, please visit this guide: